Frida Kahlo: Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Dr. Farill

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Discussion Questions

  • What does this painting communicate about Kahlo’s relationship with her doctor? What does it say about how her medical issues shaped her sense of self?

  • How does this image shape how you think about the relationship between disability, identity, and self-representation? How might these images shape how you understand yourself, your loved ones, or patients?

Reflections from #MedHumChat

“This one is so special to me... the reciprocity, mutuality... how they have changed each other...his facial features resemble hers, her dress mimics his suit.” —@RanaAwdish

“This self portrait with her doctor reminds me of narrative medicine. She is reclaiming and retelling what happened to her and what he did to her body by making him subject of her art. She is painting him.” —@jvdoyle

“Frida Khalo said, “I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” I know that this was the 1st piece she did after recovering for months after spine surgeries & credited him w/ saving her life. It’s a moving tribute to the importance he held for her.” —@natashaabadilla

“To me it communicates that her relationship with her doctor is important to her but that she is still the important one in this relationship, as she has chosen to paint herself and not just do a portrait of him. He is an important part of her story and experience.” —@jro_joe

About this #MedHumChat

“Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Dr. Farill” along with “Appearances Can Be Deceiving” and “The Broken Column” were part of a #MedHumChat discussion February 19, 2020 exploring Disability, Identity, & Self-Representation.

We were honored to be joined by special guest Dr. Rana Awdish for this discussion. Rana Awdish, MD, FCCP is the author of In Shock, a critically-acclaimed, bestselling memoir based on her own illness.

The pieces for this chat along with the discussion questions were selected by Rana Awdish and Colleen Farrell.

About the Artist

Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954) was a Mexican painter whose style was influenced by indigenous cultures of Mexico as well as by European influences that include Realism, Symbolism, and Surrealism. Many of her works are self-portraits that symbolically express her own pain and sexuality.