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The new director of MedHumChat shares her background and vision for the future
Dr. Rebecca Omlor will be the new director of MedHumChat
Theresa Brown, RN, is a clinical nurse, a frequent contributor to the New York Times, and author of The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives.
Irène Mathieu, MD is a poet and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Virginia,. She is the author of three poetry collections – Grand Marronage (Switchback Books, 2019), orogeny (Trembling Pillow Press, 2017), and the galaxy of origins (dancing girl press & studio, 2014) – as well as numerous poems and essays.
Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako is a medical student at the Yale School of Medicine. He writes about racism and medical education in the medical student magazine “InTraining” and hosts a podcast focusing on health disparities called “Flip The Script.”