William Sidney Mount: The Power of Music

Discussion Questions

  • What period in American history is this painting representing? Describe the scene that is being portrayed.

  • What is music’s intrinsic power?

  • How does knowing take away from purity?

Reflections from #MedHumChat

“Music has stilled the Black laborer. He is drawn to it, but cannot enter into communion with the white musicians, who are also laborers. They are unified but divided.” —@DrCCLambert

“Music is like a language in its own right that can access emotions for which there might be no words.” —@OdyO11

“Direct route to the emotional core of existence.’ —@OnlyEnnui

About this #MedHumChat

“The Power of Music” was paired with the poem "In Memory of Anyone Unknown To Me" by Elizabeth Jennings for a #MedHumChat on September 1, 2021 discussing Music, Poetry, Remembrance, Humanity.

The pieces for this chat as well as the accompanying discussion questions were curated by Leyla Aponte (@LeylaAponte).

About the Artist

William Sidney Mount (1807-1868) was a 19th century painter from New York known for his execution of rural scenes that often contained national self-criticism.