One of the many consequences of the coronavirus pandemic has been the sensory deprivation of isolation. Join the #MedHumChat community as we explore the role of touch and how we might maintain connection as we head into the winter. This chat was curated by Jennifer Caputo (@jennifermcaputo).
The Nocturnists: Black Voices in Healthcare (Episode 8 - Touch)
“I’ve been coming to this hospital for over 15 years. I’ve seen many providers in this hospital and I want you to know that you’re the first doctor who’s ever touched me.”
Michael Wang: The Compassionate Clinical Exam
“His pulse couldn’t possibly be 112, I thought—SPs are good, but being able to simulate abnormal vital signs at will would be a superhuman feat. A moment later, I became suddenly conscious, once more, of my own heartbeat in my ears. My eyes widened as I realized, “My god, he’s nervous too.””