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Making Mistakes

It is human to make mistakes. Yet in healthcare, our inevitable mistakes can leave us with shame and make us question our belonging. In this chat, curated by Columbia pediatrics intern Dr. Anoushka Sinha (@anoushkaasinha) we’ll discuss a comic by Dr. Michael Natter (@mike_natter) and a story by Dr. Elisabeth Poorman (@DrPoorman) that explore the emotional aftermath of mistakes and offer insights into how to cope.

We are thrilled to be joined by special guest Dr. Michael Natter. Dr. Natter is resident physician in internal medicine at NYU Langone and an artist. You can check out his artwork on his instagram page @mike.natter.

Progress Notes: Sweater by Michael Natter


Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine July 16, 2019

The Point of No Return by Elisabeth Poorman

Performed at The Moth Grand Slam Boston 2019. Watch the video

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Later Event: March 18
End of Life